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Folder sensor




I'm trying the "Folder sensor". I want to make sure that a folder is empty. I cannot see a way to not count hiden files like Thumbs.db. At this point I cannot use the default sensor, it does not fit my needs. Why isn't there a setting to allow to not scan hidden files ? :-( It seems to me really basic setting.

https://www.paessler.com/manuals/prtg/folder_sensor "The Folder sensor counts all files in a folder, including hidden files."

I suppose I'll have to write my own script?

Thank you


folder-sensor hidden-file settings

Created on Jan 26, 2018 2:29:01 PM

Best Answer

Accepted Answer



Custom Sensor NetworkFileCount allows you to count files in a folder and optional subfolders while skipping hidden files.

Created on Jan 30, 2018 9:51:24 AM

4 Replies




Thank you for the KB-Post. I'm afraid indeed, as of now this can only be solved with a script running as a custom sensor. I'll forward the improvement request to our dev team though.

best regards.

Created on Jan 29, 2018 1:19:11 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

Accepted Answer



Custom Sensor NetworkFileCount allows you to count files in a folder and optional subfolders while skipping hidden files.

Created on Jan 30, 2018 9:51:24 AM



Well thank you for this last answer.

I already spent hours to setup "Folder sensor" :-( I'll try for antoher case and I probably swtich later to this sensor if it works as expected.

Created on Feb 1, 2018 2:49:38 PM



As NetworkFileCount is a custom script, I prefered use my own. Really simple, do exactly what I need and no more. Can be easily modified to suit your needs.

Get-ChildItem by default does not return hidden file.


$session = New-PSSession -computerName $computerName -Authentication Kerberos 

$scriptBlock = {
    $fileCount = gci -File $p_folderToCheck
	$fileCount = $fileCount.count

    $result= "<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"Windows-1252`" ?>`r`n"
    $result+="   <result>`r`n"   
    $result+="   	<channel>Nb fichier</channel>`r`n"
	$result+="      <Unit>count</Unit>`r`n"		
    $result+="      <value>$fileCount</value>`r`n"
    $result+="   </result>`r`n"

    $result+="   <text>OK</text>`r`n"

Invoke-Command -computerName $computername -scriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $p_folderToCheck	
Remove-PSSession -computerName $computername
Exit 0

Created on Feb 9, 2018 10:35:34 AM

Last change on Feb 9, 2018 3:07:34 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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