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FeedHow to switch device between multiple templates?



Greetings all,

We are running into a problem at our test site. We are using multiple device templates for the same device. One with minimal monitoring for normal situations and one with extended monitoring for diagnostic purposes. While we are able to use auto-discovery using templates to add the extra diagnostic sensor, we are unable to use the same system to revert back to the normal template.

Is it possible to user the auto-discovery system, or another system to switch back to a template with lesser sensors? Or to automatically delete sensor that are not in a specified template? Currently we can only do this by deleting the sensor manually, or by deleting the complete device, but this is unwanted.

Thank you all in advance.

auto-discovery deleting-sensors templates

Created on Feb 27, 2018 10:32:22 AM

1 Reply



No, our auto-discovery system doesn't do anything with deleting sensors.

One scenario you could try would be to have two instances of the device. One with the small sensor load, and one with the larger sensor load. Just pause the un-necessary one, and switch between them when you need the advanced sensors.

Or, keep an instance of the device with just the advanced sensors paused, and un-pause it when necessary.

Created on Feb 28, 2018 6:35:08 AM by  Benjamin Day [Paessler Support] (1,441) 2 1

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