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FeedAlarms no long automatically acknowledge



Since updating to 18.1.38.xxx+, our alarms will no longer self acknowledge after shooting off an e-mail to our ticketing system. Is there a setting I am missing, or was the behavior of this changed? Previously, Sensor A alarms, after 5 minutes if it does not clear an e-mail is sent to our ticking system. As soon as the e-mail is sent, Sensor A automatically enters acknowledged state. As of now, it remains as an active alarm even after the e-mail is sent and I have to manually acknowledge the alarm indefinitely.

acknowledge alarms notifications

Created on Mar 14, 2018 10:59:13 PM

6 Replies



It sounds like you have a notification that kicks off an API call to set the sensor to acknowledged.

If so, then those settings for that sensor may need to be adjusted.

Can you confirm this by checking the Notification Settings for the sensor in question?

Created on Mar 15, 2018 6:47:12 AM by  Benjamin Day [Paessler Support] (1,441) 2 1



Ah ha. This led me in the right direction (thanks!), but I'm not sure how to fix it.

Under the notification action, we have it set to send to our ticketing system. Once that is done, its set to execute HTTP action as follows (some info changed (caps) for privacy):

https://IP OF SERVER/api/acknowledgealarm.htm?id=%sensorid&ackmsg=Auto-Requested&username=USERNAME&passhash=PASSHASH

If this is what needs to change, I'm honestly not quite sure how to change it or what to change it to.

Created on Mar 15, 2018 2:31:13 PM



That looks correct, and should work. Is it not working?

Created on Mar 16, 2018 7:18:08 PM by  Benjamin Day [Paessler Support] (1,441) 2 1



Unfortunately, no. Sensors that go down remain unacknowledged even after a ticket has been generated. Is it possible that the password hash has changed due to the security vulnerability? It's tied to my account apparently and I did have to change my password after updating PRTG.

Right now we are on

Created on Mar 16, 2018 9:50:52 PM



Most likely yes, the passhash has been changed from your password getting updated.

Created on Mar 20, 2018 1:03:43 AM by  Benjamin Day [Paessler Support] (1,441) 2 1



Thank you. I was able to get the new hash here: https://PRTG DOMAINorIP/api/getpasshash.htm?username=ENTERUSERNAME&password=ENTERPASSWORD

I will see if that works or not with the API.

Created on Mar 20, 2018 8:38:05 PM

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