I add the sensor How to create an Oracle SQL v2 sensor and configure the port of oracle. the user and the password but I get this error.
- Requires .NET 4.5 or later on the probe system.
- Define credentials, custom port (if required), and timeout in settings section Credentials for Database Management Systems of the parent device, or in the settings of a group or probe above.
- Your SQL query must be stored in a file on the system of the probe the sensor is created on. If you use it on a remote probe, store the file on the system running the remote probe. In a cluster setup, copy the file to every cluster node.
- PRTG Manual: Monitoring Databases (includes an example for channel value selection)
- Knowledge Base: How to setup the SQL v2 sensors in PRTG? Is there a guide?
- Knowledge Base: How can I monitor strings from an SQL database and show a sensor status depending on it?
- Knowledge Base: How can I monitor error tables in SQL databases?
- Knowledge Base: Why do I have to store SQL sensor queries and custom scripts in files on the probe computer?
- Save the SQL script with the query into the \Custom Sensors\sql\oracle subfolder of your PRTG installation. See manual section Data Storage for more information about how to find this path.
- This sensor type supports Oracle database servers version 10.2 or higher
I have done many of the things that they ask me for, but it does not work when I create it.
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