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FeedCustom DeviceTemplate with SNMP_String_Lookup as a channel




Recently I was trying to create and implement my custom device template. The problem is that I need to create sensor with multiple channels in it. Some of this channels must recieve Integer as result of SNMP_Query and some of them recieve String.

Is there some method to define SNMP_Custom_String_Lookup in a device template? Or there is another method to combine in one sensor channels with different type of result value?

I just tryed to modify a custom CheckPoint DeviceTemplate, cause in a sensor HA State there is no information about State of this node(Active or Standby), unfortunately CheckPoint make this value as String.

Thanx in advance)

checkpoint prtg17 snmp snmp-custom-sensor

Created on Mar 30, 2018 7:22:29 AM

5 Replies

Accepted Answer



Unfortunately we can't work with string values like that. We have an SNMP Custom String sensor, but it will take one string as a return value. This is all we can do with string values at this time.

Created on Mar 30, 2018 5:47:39 PM by  Benjamin Day [Paessler Support] (1,441) 2 1



Thanks Benjamin.

Is it possible to define SNMP_String_Lookup just as a new sensor in device template at least? I`ve already tryed this, but it partially worked for me.

When I`m applying a DeviceTemplate with SNMP_String_Lookup, the PRTG create additional value channel(with regular snmp behavior when it wait an integer value in response), but it create a right channel simultaniously.

Is it bug, or just impossible to define SNMP_String_Lookup in DeviceTemplate at all?

Thanx in advance

Created on Apr 2, 2018 1:29:45 PM



It's not impossible.

Can you open a support ticket and send me the device template?

Created on Apr 2, 2018 9:59:56 PM by  Benjamin Day [Paessler Support] (1,441) 2 1



So, I found somw workaround for DeviceTemplate witn SNMP_String_Lookup in it. We just have to define name of the channel as default("Value")

We lost ability to set custom channel name, but we can define SNMP_String_Lookup in device_template now.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <devicetemplate id="custom" name="HAMODE_FW22" priority="1"> <check id="ping" meta="ping"/> <check id="snmp" meta="snmp" requires="ping"/> <check id="HA_Mode" meta="snmp" requires="snmp"> <metadata> <oid> </oid> </metadata> </check> <create id="_snmp_HA_Mode" kind="snmpcustomlookup" requires="HA_Mode" displayname="HA: Mode"> <createdata> <tags> snmpcustomsensor </tags> <priority> 3 </priority> <comments/> <primarychannel> 2 </primarychannel> <position> 10 </position> <inherittriggers> <flags> <inherited/> </flags> <cell> 1 </cell> </inherittriggers> <stack> 0 </stack> <usesingleget/> <oid> </oid> <lookups> <cell col="0"> prtg.customlookups.checkpoint.hastate </cell> <cell col="1"> prtg.customlookups.checkpoint.hastate </cell> </lookups> </createdata> <channeldata primary="2" modulo="0" fix="-1" sum="-1" v="1"> <downchannel id="-4"> <data> <axismode> 0 </axismode> <colmode> 0 </colmode> <decimaldigits> 2 </decimaldigits> <decimalmode> 0 </decimalmode> <kind> Percent </kind> <limitmode> 0 </limitmode> <linewidth> 1 </linewidth> <mode> Absolute </mode> <name> Downtime </name> <namereadonly> 0 </namereadonly> <nostack> 0 </nostack> <percent> 0 </percent> <show> 1 </show> <showchart> 1 </showchart> <speedsize> None </speedsize> <speedtime> None </speedtime> <spikemode> 0 </spikemode> <volumesize> None </volumesize> </data> </downchannel> <list> <channel id="2"> <data> <avgmode> 0 </avgmode> <axismode> 0 </axismode> <colmode> 0 </colmode> <decimaldigits> 2 </decimaldigits> <decimalmode> 0 </decimalmode> <desiredlookupvalue> 0 </desiredlookupvalue> <id> 2 </id> <kind> Custom </kind> <limitmode> 0 </limitmode> <linewidth> 1 </linewidth> <lookupcrc> 2851415454 </lookupcrc> <mode> Absolute </mode> <name> Value </name> <namereadonly> 1 </namereadonly> <nostack> 0 </nostack> <percent> 0 </percent> <show> 1 </show> <showchart> 1 </showchart> <speedsize> None </speedsize> <speedtime> None </speedtime> <spikemode> 0 </spikemode> <valuelookup> prtg.customlookups.checkpoint.hastate </valuelookup> <volumesize> None </volumesize> </data> </channel> </list> </channeldata> <triggerdata/> </create> </devicetemplate>

Created on Apr 4, 2018 8:34:49 AM



Great! Glad this will work for you!

Created on Apr 5, 2018 4:58:21 AM by  Benjamin Day [Paessler Support] (1,441) 2 1

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