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FeedRun iisreset when HTTP sensor shows down



I have a web server that goes down occasionally. I'd like to have PRTG do an iisreset when this happens to bring it back. I'm trying to setup a notification for this. I've done the following:

1) Created a batch file that will be called by the notification. The batch file only has one line: c:\Progra2\PRTGNE1\Custom1\EXE\psexec
wsus02 -u <domain\administrator> -p <password> -i 0 c:\Windows\System32\iisreset.exe

This works when ran manually

2) I then created a notification in PRTG. Under Execute Program, I have the following:

- Program File iisrestart.bat (above batch file) - Domain - Our domain - Username - Administrator - Password - Admin pw - Timeout 60

When I run a test notification, I look under Logs-System Events-Notifications and I get:

4/10/2018 10:40:43 AM None Group Root Notification Info Error sending "EXE": A required privilege is not held by the client. (0x522)

I have the PRTG Core and Probe services both set to run as my domain admin.

I haven't had much luck googling this, so I thought I'd ask here and see if anyone has any ideas I might be missing!

Thanks in advance! Mike

exe iisreset notification

Created on Apr 10, 2018 3:45:06 PM

2 Replies



Hi Mike,

Reading through your requirements, wouldn't it be easier to write a PowerShell script to restart the service on the target machine using Invoke Command? Some examples are listed here.

Does that work for you?

Best regards, Felix

Created on Apr 11, 2018 11:46:01 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]




Thanks for the response! That's what I ended up doing, I was just hoping to figure it out from PRTG for other similar things we might want to trigger from PRTG.

I noticed this was a topic back in 2010, I was hoping there was an answer by now!


Created on Apr 11, 2018 3:23:55 PM

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