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FeedNotification for Switch Restart (all via tag or otherwise)



Is there any way to globally set a notification for uptime threshold under 10 minutes for say all switches? I know I can do this on each sensor individually, but it requires doing it individually to each switch and remembering or following a process to do this when new switches are added.

I'd like to add a notification at the root level that only applies to a specific sensor on specific devices. This seems like something that tags are perfectly made for, but I don't see how to use them.

Maybe the workaround (just as much work as the current workaround) is to find all switches/uptime sensors by tag and mass edit them, but it doesn't help me with adding them for future devices.

notifications restart tags uptime

Created on May 3, 2018 5:13:55 PM

1 Reply



Hi Schester,

I can speak for what I do.

  1. Adding new switches and remembering the process: I have a template for each kind of device that includes the base sensors that will exist on that device. For same model switches for example, that will include ping, cpu, memory, uptime, software version, fan status, power status, etc. In this manner you can maintain consistency using API/scripts/manually clone the template, set parameters, then discover device specific sensors like interfaces etc.
  2. Globally set a notification for uptime threshold under 10 minutes for say all switches: I leverage tags and libraries for this. In my past experience setting alerts at the sensor level doesn't scale well, tags alleviate that pain point. Click Libraries, All Libraries, and you'll see All uptime sensors as a default library.
    1. First I search for the tag snmpuptimesensor, then batch edit all of them, editing the system uptime channel, enable alerting based on limits, then set the lower warning limit to 600 seconds.
    2. Create a notification in Setup>Account Settings>Notifications for reboot alerts. I use certain language to inform the recipient of what the alert is, anything actionable to do (run book etc) and how they can unsubscribe if necessary.
    3. Next I edit the All uptime sensors library, setting a notification for When sensor state is Warning for at least 60 seconds perform and set it to perform the Reboot notification you created in 2.
  3. Notification Example
[Reboot Alert] %summarycount Summarized Notifications\\
Server: %device\\
Rebooted:  %datetime\\
Message:  %message\\

Please see %homesensor.htm?id=%sensorid&tabid=1 for more information.\\

This message is sent to you by your %companyname% Monitoring Platform because you are a stakeholder of this device.  If you wish to be removed, please open a ticket with the service desk and reference the Reboot notification.

Hope that helps!

Created on May 10, 2018 11:45:36 AM

Last change on May 10, 2018 12:01:12 PM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

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