dear all,
I have updated to PRTG version PRTG Network Monitor but also with the latest version of the "stable" software, I had the same issue. I am running a Win10 VM on Hyper-V which is not in my domain and I monitored this VM for more than 2 years now. right after the update of PRTG and the latest Windows patches April 2018 updates, this Win10 client cannot be monitored. Just PING is OK, and the other sensors, like MEM, C-drive and so on get RED after a view minutes. But not good explenation why. I have seen One Error code PE015. But nothing more in details, what happend or why it is not working any more.
I tried the WMI tool to test the WMI connections, but there I have seen all the needed informations. so WMI access looks good. but even when I change the access password from local admin to anything else, the error code does not change. it looks like it had no change to the same result, when I changed the password of the access user.
please can you updates me, which LOGs would you need to see more details, what happend here?
thank you very much! best regards, elmar
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