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Feedhow to change snmpv3 engine-id after rma




As above - I have RMA'd some cisco ASAs.

The snmpv3 config has been recreated and show snmp user shows the users ok - the engine id has changed of course.

the Polls are dropped on the new ASA as the user isnt recognized - i think its because the ASA snmpv3 user is associated with engine id.

I cannot find any setting in PRTG to change the engine-id. Even if I delete and recreate the sensor.

Is it possible to change this value in PRTG?

asa engine-id snmpv3

Created on May 14, 2018 1:14:46 PM

1 Reply



Hey Archon,

this must be related to something else as we haven't implemented the concept of engine-ID to PRTG. So, please double check the configured credentials for SNMPv3 and the firewall rules for the target devices.

If the issue persists afterwards, please open a new support ticket and forward us screenshots of one of the affected sensors (tabs: "Overview", "Log" and "Settings") and from the parent device (tab: "Settings") for analysis.

Best regards,

Created on May 15, 2018 12:44:33 PM by  Sven Roggenhofer [Paessler Technical Support]

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