Hi Benjamin,
I already tried some of these method:
- We can't modify the size of the marker because in the code, width and height are specified in the style attribute:
<div id="3656" style="position: absolute; **width: 21px; height: 25px;** left: 106.5px; top: 17px;" title="" class="up map-marker" data-delay="0" data-original-title="location" aria-describedby="tooltip197334"><a dependency="1" thisid="3656" class="devicemenu isnotpaused isnotfavorite localprobe mapmarker locationlist" style="background-image:url(/icons/devices/Phone_VoIPServer.png?svg)" id="3656" href="/devices.htm?filter_location=@sub(location)"></a></div>
So we can't change the dimension.
- I tried to use this script:
and use it in the after HTML but we can't use scripts there :(
I tried to used it in the page that load the map, but I cannot trigger when the map is loaded so ...
- we can change the icon, using the CSS tweak, but with a dimension fixed at 21px x 25px we can't see anything
I really need to change the dimension and the icon, how can I do this?
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