It would be nice to comment out specific parts of the Channel Definition in Sensor Factory Specific Settings. This would be convenient when those channels are down because your staging a probe before rollout or down for a long period of maintenance. And also to add explanatory comments/remarks for colleague Monitor Administrators.
Ex. Channel(20851,0) is down for maintenance for a longer time, but I want the Sensor Factory Sensor to show as UP instead of Warning. As example I used { } to comment out, because it's not used as an element for comparison or any calculation. Can be used inline and for a section, see below:
<definition_snippet> #1:Average AVG((Channel(20860,0)+{Channel(20851,0)+}Channel(20848,0)+Channel(20863,0)+Channel(21216,0)+Channel(20854,0)+Channel(20857,0)+Channel(20946,0)+Channel(21190,0)+Channel(20980,0)+Channel(20902,0)+Channel(20924,0)+Channel(20970,0)+Channel(17276,0))) Channel(20860,0) { Channel(20851,0)} Channel(20848,0) Channel(20863,0) Channel(21216,0) </definition_snippet>
Kind regards,
Dimitry Schoenmakers
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