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FeedList of all sensors using a specific notification object



Is it possible to query a PRTG server for list of all sensors using a specific notification object

notifications prtg sms-notification

Created on Jul 12, 2018 2:05:16 PM

3 Replies



Hello there,

We appreciate your contact.

In order to show all objects that use a specific notification you need to do the following:

  1. Switch to "Setup | Account Settings | Notifications"
  2. Mark the corresponding notification
  3. On the blue bar on the right side click the second icon (used by)
    Please let me know if that fits your requirements.

Kind regards,
Birk Guttmann, Tech Support Team

Created on Jul 12, 2018 3:36:58 PM by  Birk Guttmann [Paessler Support]




thanks for the quick answer.

Yes that's kinda what i am looking for. But we are working with inheritance on notifications a lot. A large number of our remote probes inherit their notification setting from our central probe, which appearently means that the "used by" list in the notifications menu doesnt show these sensors.

Is it possible to generate a report or a list detailing all sensors which inherited a specific notification method?

Created on Jul 13, 2018 6:29:23 AM



Hi there,

No, I'm afraid this view is not particularly possible. It's per design that the Used by menu shows only the parent object (the highest object in the structure) to which the corresponding notification is been configured to.

Best regards,

Created on Jul 17, 2018 5:49:29 AM by  Sebastian Kniege [Paessler Support]

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