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Auto Discovery Metascan timeout



Hallo Paessler Team,

wir haben erneut ein Problem mit der Auto Discovery Funktion. (Analog zu KB: IPMI - Timeout.)

bei uns betrifft es jedoch selbst SNMP Sensoren.
Speziell aktuell der SNMP Traffic Sensor.
Selbst bei manuellem hinzufügen der Sensoren, dauert der Metascan bei einigen Systemen weit mehr als die scheinbar festen 5 Sekunden.

Wir würden dringend eine anpassung hier benötigen. Wir haben Systeme (Nexus 7000 zum Beispiel) mit mehr als 500 Interfaces.
Aber auch Windows Server mit X Virtuellen Adaptern etc benötigt sehr lange.

Uns würde auch ein Workaround via registry Key reichen oder ein Schalter im Discovery Template ala (timeout="10000")

<create id="snmptraffic" kind="snmptraffic" meta="portscan" requires="snmp">

im Log sieht das wie folgt aus:

18.07.2018 12:14:18: Autodiscovery Started; Device ID: 123797
18.07.2018 12:14:18: Device ID: 123797 Name: Server.local.domain Host: Server.local.domain
18.07.2018 12:14:18: Device Templates; Device ID: 123797; Selected: 1
18.07.2018 12:14:18: Template Loaded; Device ID: 123797; Name: 00_ios_server_windows_v2
18.07.2018 12:14:19: Template Check; Device ID: 123797; Check ID: ping; FOUND
18.07.2018 12:14:19: Template Assigned; Device ID: 123797; Name: 00_ios_server_windows_v2
18.07.2018 12:14:21: Sensor Created; Device ID: 123797; Create ID: {E2E22372-92EF-4676-848C-CE22DC20FC42}; Sensor ID: 124017; Name: Ping
18.07.2018 12:14:25: Template Check; Device ID: 123797; Check ID: snmp; FOUND
18.07.2018 12:14:27: Sensor Created; Device ID: 123797; Create ID: {6D525DAB-EF67-4C96-A2FE-4D029DFF49DF}; Sensor ID: 124018; Name: System Health Uptime
18.07.2018 12:14:29: Template Check; Device ID: 123797; Check ID: snmpcpu; FOUND
18.07.2018 12:14:33: Sensor Created; Device ID: 123797; Create ID: {47F9B93A-BD34-4799-8468-0986015394BD}; Sensor ID: 124019; Name: System Health Processor
18.07.2018 12:14:37: Template Create Meta Request; Device ID: 123797; Create ID: {1391972D-FF3E-4F54-B43D-96370A8421E5}; FOUND: 2
18.07.2018 12:14:37: Sensor Created; Device ID: 123797; Create ID: {1391972D-FF3E-4F54-B43D-96370A8421E5}; Sensor ID: 124020; Name: Memory: Virtual Memory
18.07.2018 12:14:37: Sensor Created; Device ID: 123797; Create ID: {1391972D-FF3E-4F54-B43D-96370A8421E5}; Sensor ID: 124021; Name: Memory: Physical Memory
18.07.2018 12:14:39: Template Check; Device ID: 123797; Check ID: snmpdiskfree; FOUND
18.07.2018 12:14:41: Template Create Meta Request; Device ID: 123797; Create ID: {157F864E-4CA2-4D27-B39A-FDDE7A9A55C6}; FOUND: 2
18.07.2018 12:14:41: Sensor Created; Device ID: 123797; Create ID: {157F864E-4CA2-4D27-B39A-FDDE7A9A55C6}; Sensor ID: 124022; Name: Disk Free: C:\ Label:System  Serial Number 743b9671
18.07.2018 12:14:41: Sensor Created; Device ID: 123797; Create ID: {157F864E-4CA2-4D27-B39A-FDDE7A9A55C6}; Sensor ID: 124023; Name: Disk Free: D:\ Label:Pagefile  Serial Number d680f614
18.07.2018 12:15:01: Template Create Meta Request; Device ID: 123797; Create ID: snmptraffic; PROBE TIMEOUT
18.07.2018 12:15:34: Autodiscovery interrupted: Device ID: 123797

auto-discovery meta-scan timeout

Created on Jul 18, 2018 10:21:36 AM

Last change on Jul 18, 2018 10:57:07 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

4 Replies

Accepted Answer




The Customer had an issue with the timeout the probe uses for Metascans. By default PRTG uses a timeout of 5 seconds. Some larger devices and slow devices may need longer to offer all data. To solve this simply follow these steps:

  • open *regedit.exe* on the Local Probe or Remote Probe that is affected
  • navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor\Probe\
  • add a new DWORD with the name MetaScanTimeout
  • set the value to 1-2147483647 seconds
  • restart the Probe Service

This should be it. Afterwards longer metascans should be no issue.

Best regards.

Created on Jul 19, 2018 11:05:09 AM by  Dariusz Gorka [Paessler Support]

Last change on Nov 16, 2021 8:08:59 AM by  Sebastian Kniege [Paessler Support]



Hello Dariusz,

Having this issue curently also. When adding WMI service sensor, prtg is timing out. I created DWORD at the location you mention above. But was not able to put there range value "1-2147483647". I put there just "2147483647". I restart the probe service & I got no change on prtg. still timing out. Any advise?

Created on Apr 4, 2019 4:25:57 PM



Hi there,

Could you further clarify "timeout"? What happens exactly when you try to add the sensor? Do you get an error message? Are the Windows Credentials properly configured? Have you checked the connection manually via the WMI Tester?

Best regards.

Created on Apr 4, 2019 6:04:18 PM by  Dariusz Gorka [Paessler Support]



Thank you for the solution. it worked when registry was edited.

to make the scan timeout to 20 seconds or more just convert the value to hexadecimal.

Eg: i wanted 20 seconds. so i googled 20 in hexadecimal. i go the answer as 20 = 0x14

Once added just restarted the probe service and scanned. noticed it took a long time than usual and then problem was resolved and the sensor was added.

Created on Mar 10, 2023 1:17:27 AM

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