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FeedPrepare Device and sensors, with status 'wait for first connect'




this ist not a problem, more something like a feature request. I'm in the process to pre-configure some timeterminals. These terminals are not connected to a LAN now. But i configure them already in PRTG and pause them to be prepared for the installation.

My idea now was, that it will be very comfortable, if i do not had to pause these new devices in PRTG. An option like 'Wait until first connect' or 'Sleep until first ping' or something like that would be very helpfull. Because these terminals would be installed by another person (electrician) and he must inform me, which terminal he has installed and i unpause the device in PRTG then.

Hope you understand my question, just an idea.

Thanks Andre Löhrer IT SysAdmin, Griesser AG, Aadorf, Switzerland

devices preconfig sleep wait

Created on Sep 12, 2018 8:52:35 AM

1 Reply



Hi Andre,

This sounds perfectly fine for a scheduled auto-discovery, which scans a particular IP list or range. As soon as the ping is up, the devices will be added. For more information, kindly take a look here.

Kind regards,
Felix Saure, Tech Support Team

Created on Sep 12, 2018 6:43:03 PM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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