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FeedHelp adding Custom Table



Hello! I am having a heck of a time trying to add a custom table sensor to monitor the temperature of my Dell R720xd.

  • I've added the custom table sensor, and fed it the OID table for the temperatures (
  • In the Table Specific section, I select the row that contains the system board temp.
  • In the Identification section, I choose the OID that contains "System Board inlet Temperature" (
  • The channel name I give it a name "System Board Temperature"
  • In the Sensor Channel #1 Column, I choose the OID that contains the temp( The table above is showing a reading of "330" (yeah, that's hot!)

I've tried several different settings in the Sensor Channel unit: Count, temperature, percent, etc.

No matter what I try the sensor always reads "0".

Is there something I am missing?

Thank you for any info!

custom-sensor dell prtg snmp-custom-table table

Created on Sep 21, 2018 9:18:34 PM

Last change on Sep 24, 2018 8:49:52 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

2 Replies

Accepted Answer



Hello hellbus,
thank you for your inquiry.

First things first. The actual OID of the temperatureProbeTable is The aforementioned OID ending in 700.20.1 is actually the temperatureProbeTableEntry - But PRTG is smart enough to be able to use it as well, so this is not a problem, I just figured it was worth mentioning.

Regarding the Custom Table sensor's setup, have you had a look at this KB-Post/guide?

Regarding the Identification Column: This should be a unique text (per table entry). If there is a column with the text "System Board inlet Temperature" that sounds like a very good candidate.

But I'm a bit confused as the OID you've mentioned ( seems to be the temperatureProbeStatus and not the name (which is most likely temperatureProbeLocationName (

Please double check that you've selected the correct identification column or the sensor will behave erratically. This should be a column that contains unique strings.

As for the temperature reading, you've also mentioned I've checked the MIB and this appears to refer to the state capabilities of this table entry:

The temperature reading appears to be available under temperatureProbeReading( But regarding the value of "330" that you saw. That is probably correct.

To avoid floating point values, several SNMP implementations report temperature readings in tenths of degrees Centigrade. This implementation is no exception if we have a look at Dell's documentation:

0700.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the reading for a temperature probe of type other than temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete. When the value for temperatureProbeType is other than temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete, the value returned for this attribute is the temperature that the probe is reading in tenths of degrees Centigrade. When the value for temperatureProbeType is temperatureProbeTypeIsDiscrete, a value is not returned for this attribute.

To properly display the value in PRTG you need to configure the channel to use the unit "Custom" (as a bonus, set the Unit String as ºC) and after the sensor's creation, open the channel settings and enable the division with a factor of 10. The result will be a reading of 33,0 ºC.

And lastly: Have you considered using the built-in SNMP Dell PowerEdge System Health Sensor sensor instead? It will also monitor for temperature-related issues:

Best Regards,
Luciano Lingnau [Paessler Support]

Created on Sep 24, 2018 8:48:43 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



Thank you so much for the help!

Your assistance helped me get the sensor up and going. I guess I just had the wrong OIDs selected. You were exactly right about the .6 and .8 OIDs.

The odd thing was that when I was setting up the sensor, the table that PRTG was displaying had .5 having a value of "system board inlet temperature", and .3 of having the temperature reading. Not sure why, but using the OIDs you mentioned got the results I was expecting.

Thank you so much!

Created on Sep 24, 2018 2:26:11 PM

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