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FeedExe sensor is displaying extra data about average msec



I have an exe sensor that is returning extra data on the status line. When I run the script from the PRTG server's command line I get the expected result:



However what is being shown in PRTG is:

1 hour interval average of 521 msec (Execution Time) is unusually high for this hour of the week (2018/12/19_14-05-24)


The problem with this is it makes my custom object on my map look awful and it covers up other data:


This is the custom map object that displays just the status message:

<!--JLB Icons: Sensor (message only, transparent background)-->
<div class="map_object map_icon2 map_icon_large mapicon_status_transparent" id="<@itemid>" objectid="<@objectid>" subid="<@subid>" style="<#mapobject type="coordinates" subid="<@subid>" mode="<@editmode>">">
  <#mapobject type="objectgrip" mode="<@editmode>">
  <#mapobject type="htmlbefore" subid="<@subid>">
  <#checkobjecttype objecttype="sensor" nicemessage="true" id="<@objectid>">

  <div style="clear: both;"><#objectstatus name="message" show="textraw" id="<@objectid>"></div>

  <#mapobject type="htmlafter" subid="<@subid>">

What can I do to fix this so the extra data is not shown? I only want what the custom sensor returns.

custom-sensor exe-script-sensor map-objects prtg

Created on Dec 19, 2018 9:25:34 PM

Last change on Dec 20, 2018 5:33:25 AM by  Sven Roggenhofer [Paessler Technical Support]

1 Reply



Hi there,

You can disable "Unusual Detection", to do so head to "Settings" tab of the device, section "Advanced Network Analysis", there you can disable it.

Kind regards,


Created on Dec 20, 2018 9:19:05 AM by  Erhard Mikulik [Paessler Support]

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