I'm trying to monitor all configured VPN connections in our Barracuda CloudGen Firewall. There are +100 of them, so it would be nice if things run as automatically as possible. Ideally would be, of course, a periodically scan of all configured vpn-connections, and adding or deleting them from PRTG, but manually adding or removing one at the time is acceptable.
Since PRTG doesn't contain any sensors for Barracuda products, I had to import the MIB manually and change the incorrectly created ovl lookup file, which resulted in showing 'down'-states as 'OK'. That is now solved.
I've come to the point where I can add all the VPN-state sensors in one action using the SNMP library feature. Before adding them, I can select which VPNs to add. At that point, the names are pretty clear, like: "vpn tunnels: IPSEC-OfficeAMS-" but after adding them, the name of the sensor changes briefly in: "Table(vpn tunnels: IPSEC-Office...): [tablename] / [rowidentifier]". The tablename and rowidentifier make place for the full OID, which makes things pretty unclear.
I have played around with the Port Name Template under SNMP Compatibility Options, but whatever I use there, nothing changes when I add the next item. Am I overseeing something or is it simply not possible in this situation?
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