are there any news to this thread?
I was just setting up a IPMI Sensor (it's v. 2.0) and it didn't worked.
Manual running the ipmiutil.exe tool gives good output
ipmiutil ver 2.96
ihealth ver 2.96
Connecting to node
BMC manufacturer = 000157 (Intel), product = 0048 (S1200BT)
BMC version = 1.21.11202 (Boot 0.3), IPMI v2.0
IPMI driver type = 6 (lan)
Power State = 20 (legacy on)
Selftest status = 0055 (OK)
Chassis Status = 21 00 40 70 (on, see below)
chassis_power = on
pwr_restore_policy = last_state
chassis_intrusion = inactive
front_panel_lockout = inactive
drive_fault = false
cooling_fan_fault = false
FP diag_button_disable = allowed, button enabled
FP reset_button_disable = allowed, button enabled
FP power_button_disable = allowed, button enabled
Power On Hours = 53866 hours (2244 days)
BMC LAN Channels = 1 3
Chan 1 AuthTypes = MD5 Straight_Passwd
Chan 1 Status = 06, OEM ID 000000 OEM Aux 00
ipmiutil health, completed successfully
After entering credentials for the BMC I get this message: Could not create the sensor IPMI System Health BETA on device
Am I missing something or isn't there a update yet?
abat IT-Services
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