We use PRTG heavily to Monitor Services on Servers of our Customers and some distributed (and redundant) Services.
For the Monitoring of the redundant Services it would be good if we have something like a 'timefuse' or 'grace period':
If one of 10+ Servers is 'down' for less then the defined value, we don't see it on the 'Sensors With Status Down'-Page. We still want to see if a Service is down for longer then the defined value, and also want to keep the history - so just changing the polling rate would not be helpful.
The Feature we would like to use is just that - a per Sensor definable grace period in which the sensor is not 'down' but maybe 'pending-soon-down' or similar (or 'warning' if the other options would be to expensive to implement).
Would that be something you would like to consider a new feature and something you want to implement?
Would that be something your organisation also has a use case for?
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