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PRTG Network Monitor

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Notify after escalation...



I have my sensors set up so that when there is an event, I (the admin) get an e-mail. When an issue gets escalated, the rest of the team gets a notification. This way we don't have a number of people all trying to figure out the same thing at the same time. So my question is that when the initial event is over, I get a message telling me that the sensor is back up, etc., but what happens when the event is no longer escalated? Is there a way to have the second notification group (the rest of the team) get a message that that item is no longer escalated?

event message notification

Created on Aug 31, 2010 3:55:29 PM

3 Replies




in such cases we recommend to have a second state trigger (with a notification addressed to your team, i.e. the escalation notification) with a latency matching the escalation time. This way you would be able to have an ON and and OFF-notification. It might also be possible just to use the OFF notification of the second trigger to notify your team once the issue is resolved.

Best Regards.

Created on Aug 31, 2010 4:18:06 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



That sounds like a great idea. So how would I actually do that then?

Created on Aug 31, 2010 4:40:35 PM



You would add a second trigger (for condition "DOWN" probably) to the sensors in question. Then set the latency for this trigger so that it matches the escalation time from the first trigger. Now it depends if you depend on repeated escalations or not.
If you want to have repeated escalations, you would leave the escalation-notification on the first trigger and not change it. You would only add a OFF-Notification with the same escalation-notification (the one going to your team).
If you don't need repeated escalations, you can remove the escalation notification from the first trigger, and add a ON and OFF-Notification with the same escalation-notification (the one going to your team). That should be it.

Created on Aug 31, 2010 4:48:11 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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