User Story
As a PRTG User, I want to easily edit device template eg add, removing, editing specific sensors on the device template.
Details of User Story
Current situation when we want to update the template of the device with new sensor:
1. create the new empty device
2. add the custom/new sensor to this device
3. create the device template from the device
4. login to prtg by rdp and edit files:
o open in notepad new device template from step 3
o copy sensor definition of created sensor from template
o open in notepad device template that you are using for devices
o paste the sensor definition from clipboard
5. Autodiscover the devices or wait for schedule
It is too much complicated for such simple task like adding sensor to template, specifically for non experienced users, and needs also specific direct access to server which is not good from security perspective. Editing the templates from the GUI will be highly appreciated feature.
Acceptance criteria
- Add sensor to device template with GUI
- Remove sensor from device template with GUI
- Edit sensor settings on device template with GUI
Implementation proposal
- each template will be created and visible by PRTG as a dummy device.
- add/remove/edit sensors is already implemented (current device implementation)