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FeedSNMP RMON for disconnected ports appearing in Autodiscover




I have many switches and I have created a template based on one basic switch I use to Autodiscover others. It seems that the SNMP Traffic sensors being created are only that of connected ports, which is what I want and expect. SNMP RMON sensors however are being created for ALL ports irrespective of their connection state. I can see no way to affect this and the ports are not reporting any traffic.

If I manually add the SNMP RMON sensor to the switch the list of ports shown displays the connected and disconnected ports and does not auto-select the disconnected ports. For this reason it seems PRTG does see the ports as disconnected but the autodisover is unable to work this out.

Is there a way I can edit my autodiscover template so that only connected ports are added?

rmon snmp switch-port

Created on May 30, 2019 3:57:50 PM

3 Replies



Hi there,

Thank you for your message.

With the SNMP Traffic sensors, PRTG actually decides to add sensors based on the amount of traffic on the interface. When the traffic counter of this not 0, PRTG will add a sensor for this interface.

I'm afraid to tell you though that this is not possible with the SNMP RMON sensor in combination with the Auto-Discovery.

Thank you for your understanding!

Kind regards,
Andreas Günther
Tech Support, Paessler AG

Created on May 31, 2019 2:19:51 PM by  Andreas Günther [Paessler Support]



Hi Andreas Günther,

Can you please clarify. Are you are saying that a SNMP RMON sensor in combination with Auto-Discovery will add ALL ports irrespective of their connection state at the time?

This being specifically different to the operation of the SNMP Traffic sensor in combination with Auto-Discovery that will differentiate between connected and none connected ports and only add those that are connected?

Created on May 31, 2019 2:24:12 PM



Hi there,

Can you please clarify. Are you are saying that a SNMP RMON sensor in combination with Auto-Discovery will add ALL ports irrespective of their connection state at the time?

That is correct. The reason is that the RMON-Tables do not have information about the connection status.

The SNMP Traffic Sensor will automatically add all interfaces where the Traffic Counter (IN/UP) is above 0.

Best regards.

Created on Jun 3, 2019 11:19:35 AM by  Dariusz Gorka [Paessler Support]

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