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FeedState Sensor Improvement Suggestion



I have the following issue and i offer two possible solutions.

The issue i have is if i pause a device that has a sensor down on it i get an 'up' notification to say the sensor is no longer in a down state. When i un-pause the device i then get another notification to say the sensor is down. I have messed about with the state sensors but cant find a combination that works.

I propose the following improvements to the state sensor:

  1. add the ability to define what the previous state of the sensor is in before sending notification. so for example i could say 'if a sensor enters the down state and was previously in a paused state perform no action' or 'if a sensor enters the paused state and was previously in a down state perform no action'
  2. add the ability to chose between 'When sensor state is down' and 'When sensor state is NOT down'. that way i could set it up as follows: When sensor state is not up for at least 300 seconds, perform Email Helpdesk or one better allow multiple states:
    When sensor state is not up, OR warning, OR paused for at least 300 seconds, perform Email Helpdesk

feedback would be appreciated

paused-sensor prtg state-sensor

Created on Jun 4, 2019 2:50:53 PM

Last change on Jun 5, 2019 4:27:27 AM by  Sven Roggenhofer [Paessler Technical Support]

3 Replies



Hello Alastair,

Thank you very much for your contact.

Is your second approach not entirely the following notification trigger:
If sensor is DOWN for at least xy seconds, perform this or that.

Please also allow me to ask why you don't acknowledge alerts instead of pausing them?

Thank you very much for your elaboration.


Created on Jun 5, 2019 9:09:50 PM by  Sebastian Kniege [Paessler Support]



I pause the device when i reboot it to stop notifications.

what does acknowledging an alert achieve?

At the moment i use the following notification trigger: If sensor is DOWN for at least xy seconds, perform this or that. but then when i reboot the device and pause all sensors i get notifications as its left the down state

Created on Jun 6, 2019 8:34:41 AM



Dear Alastair,

That's expected since PRTG does not remember the status before pausing the object. PRTG will immediately schedule a new scan after resuming a device.

If you acknowledge the sensor like Sebastian said, this status will be saved in the cache and not trigger a new notification.

Kind regards,
Felix Saure, Tech Support Team

Created on Jun 6, 2019 10:34:22 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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