I have been trying out PRTG for a little bit now, and I think this product will be good for us, but we need to get MySQL sensors working to decide on if we purchase.
I need to monitor MySql slave status on a few different servers running ubuntu with ZFS. Keep in mind i am not the Linux admin here, but do have an account to run queries on the DB.
I have found an older post with a script doing many things, but couldn't get it working. All i need to know how many seconds behind the slave is, whether it's zero seconds behind or any other value.
We currently run a batch file from a windows box with the following C:\mysql\bin\mysqlsh -h server01 --sql -uxxxxxxx -pzzzzzzz -e "show slave status\G".
Could this be run from the MySql v2 sensor? What other options would i need when setting up sensor.
Thanks for the help!
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