We have added CISCO-ENVMON-MIB.my SNMP-Library from Cisco to monitor the system health of our cisco switches.
Cisco retun codes for Enviroment monitoring are:
CiscoEnvMonState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the state of a device being monitored. Valid values are: normal(1): the environment is good, such as low temperature. warning(2): the environment is bad, such as temperature above normal operation range but not too high. critical(3): the environment is very bad, such as temperature much higher than normal operation limit. shutdown(4): the environment is the worst, the system should be shutdown immediately. notPresent(5): the environmental monitor is not present, such as temperature sensors do not exist. notFunctioning(6): the environmental monitor does not function properly, such as a temperature sensor generates a abnormal data like 1000 C.
How do I change the notifications (threshold triggers) for multiple sensors at one time? Editing each of 31 sensors for one device will take a lot of time
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