User Story
As a PRTG User, I want to have all the device icons grouped together when zoomed out.
Details of User Story
We use PRTG to montior nearly 1000 active channel partner / end user connections (devices) located all over Australia. Using the Geo Map is nessurary to monitor everything, from seeing if their is an area wide outage and other things. When you zoom out on the Geo Map far enough to see the whole country we land up only seeing about 80 or so devices with the rest all layered underneath.
What we would like to see is as you zoom out on the Geo Map rather then the device icons start to layer behind each other, they will start to group together as a single icon with a number in the middle of the icon the repersents the number of device in that group. The group icon should be coloured to repersent if all device are in a OK state or if any device is showing up in a warning or error state. If you hover your mouse over the group icon it should show a break down on how many devices are in one of the 3 states (Ok, Warning or Error). As you zoom into a location of a large group it should break down into smaller groups until all that is left is indiviual device icons.
A good example of icon group on a geo map is KFC store finder map ( ).
Acceptance Criteria
- Device icons are group when they cluster together when zooming out on the geo map
- The number of devices is displayed per group
- Able to see the number of devices in each of the 3 states
- Device icons are grouped until the can be clear seen as a individual icon when zooming back in on the map