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FeedAPI call to close PRTG Ticket



Dear team,

How can I change the status of a ticket using the API call, I can request the opened tickets using API, but is there any way to change the status of a ticket to closed ?

if there is no way to do it , is there any work around ? Thank you

api closed tickets

Created on Jul 29, 2019 7:58:23 AM

5 Replies



Hi there,

It's not officially documented, but the following API calls should work.

To close a ticket:


To resolve a ticket:


Best regards.

Created on Jul 29, 2019 8:13:57 AM by  Dariusz Gorka [Paessler Support]



Thank you for your response

Created on Aug 7, 2019 7:46:02 AM



It don't apprear the username & passhash are evaluated in this call below. I must be for documented API call and not /api/someFunction.htm calls. Can this please be enabled?

/api/closeticket.htm?id=TICKET-ID&content=CLOSED-MESSAGE &username=api&passhash= 12345

Created on Jan 30, 2023 11:14:40 PM



While testing I found I had an error in the URL and I was incorrect in that the username & passhash are not evaluated. They are! So I created this Powershell script to close the Auto-Discovery Tickets.

$prtguser = "apiuser"
$prtghash = "123456"
$match = "Auto-Discovery *"
$actiontype = "close" # "close" or "resolve"
$message = "auto close"
$hostname = "prtg.yourdomain.com"

$URI = "https://" + $hostname + "/api/table.json?content=tickets&columns=datetime,priority,parentid,message,user,status,name&filter_drel=&username=" + $prtguser + "&passhash=" + $prtghash
$response = Invoke-WebRequest $URI
$jsonObj = $([String]::new($response.Content)) | ConvertFrom-Json | select -expand tickets | select parentid,status_raw,message_raw | Where-Object {($_.message_raw -like $match) -and ($_.status_raw -EQ '1')}

foreach($id in $jsonObj.parentid) {
    $actionURI = "https://" + $hostname + "/api/" + $actiontype + "ticket.htm?username=" + $prtguser + "&passhash=" + $prtghash + "&id=" + $id + "&content=" + $message
    $result = Invoke-WebRequest $actionURI
    $res = $result.Content  -replace '<[^>]+>',''
    Write-Output "$id - $res"


Created on Feb 1, 2023 7:46:24 PM



Thanks for sharing crawc!

Kind regards,
Felix Saure, Technical Support Team

Created on Feb 2, 2023 6:27:03 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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