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FeedCan you create channels in Python using a loop() ?



Hi there, having a small issue with my python script. getting error of: 'XML: The returned XML does not match the expected schema. (code: PE233) -- JSON: The returned JSON does not match the expected structure (Invalid JSON.). (code: PE231)' The Script file is placed in the path: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\Custom Sensors\python'

My code is this:


import sys
import requests
import json

from paepy.ChannelDefinition import CustomSensorResult
   #Functions 1

def Url_post(url_post,user_password):
    request = requests.post(url_post, auth=(user_password),verify=False)
    statusP = request.status_code
    return (statusP,request.headers['session'])

    #Functions 2
def Url_get_Data(url_get, code):

    res = requests.get(URL_get, headers={"session":code}, verify=False)

    statusG = res.status_code

    return(statusG, res.json())


if __name__ == "__main__":

    status_post, send_ack = Url_post(URL_post, auth)

    status_get, result = Url_get_Data(URL_get, send_ack)

    data = json.loads(result)

    #create sensor result

    result = CustomSensorResult("this sensor is added to " + data['host'])
    for i in result:
    NameCH1, Value_Ch1= i[Name'], i['Number']
            result.add_channel(channel_name =[i] NameCH1, unit="s", value =[i] Value_Ch1)


What I'm trying to do, is to take data from a server and use each returning result to create a channel. This is by passing its name and value into this line of code: result.add_channel(channel_name = [i]NameCH1, unit="s", value = [i]Value_Ch1).

Is it possible to place this in a loop and call a function to create channels. Reason is so that I can dynamically keep it up to date if a new channel is needed to be created without manually adding one or changing?

prtg prtg-desktop python-script-advanced-sensor

Created on Aug 7, 2019 9:06:09 AM

Last change on Aug 7, 2019 11:19:54 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

1 Reply



Note that you can't remove or rename existing channels with that one. Channels with different names will simply be created anew within the Sensor :/

Created on Aug 8, 2019 9:43:11 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

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