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FeedCustom Sensor Table - Settings



To all,

Reference: Custom Sensor Table - Settings

Question 1: How do I configure a Channel's result value to trigger a "State" for each of the Values?


  1. Channel's Value is 0, then send an alarm . (Alarm Status Color = Grey)
  2. Channel's Value is 1, then within threshold, no alarm or warning. (Alarm Status Color = Green)
  3. Channel's Value is 2, then send an "Warning". (Alarm Status Color = Yellow)
  4. Channel's Value is 3, then send an "Alarm". (Alarm Status Color = Red)
  5. Channel's Value is 4, then send an "Alarm". (Alarm Status Color = Blue)
  6. etc.

Question 2: How would I go about configuring these values, by adding a "Description" or Name (Alias) for each of the Alarm Status Value?


  1. Channel's Value is 0, then Status is labelled as "Disabled". (Alarm Status Color = Grey)
  2. Channel's Value is 1, then Status is "Active". (Alarm Status Color = Green)
  3. Channel's Value is 2, then Status is "Warning". (Alarm Status Color = Yellow)
  4. Channel's Value is 3, then Status is "Channel 2 Down". (Alarm Status Color = Red)
  5. Channel's Value is 4, then send an "Channel 1 Down". (Alarm Status Color = Blue)
  6. etc.

Thanks Rob

alarm channel-configuration custom-channel customisation status thresholds value value-labels

Created on Sep 5, 2019 5:43:04 AM

Last change on Sep 5, 2019 6:04:53 AM by  Sven Roggenhofer [Paessler Technical Support]

1 Reply



Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out to us! What you are looking for can be achieved with Lookups. You can enable the lookups in the settings of the SNMP Custom Table sensor. Simply choose ValueLookup for the Unit of each channel.

I'm afraid that alarms cannot be displayed in blue, they are always displayed in red.

Kind regards,
Felix Saure, Tech Support Team

Created on Sep 5, 2019 8:22:18 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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