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PRTG Network Monitor

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I am curious to know whether there are other dashboards (software) i can use in combination with PRTG. I would like to keep using PRTG, but use a different dashboard. I somehow need to integrate the monitoring, alerts, etc, basically all the data from PRTG into a (standalone) dashboard.

First question would be, is this even possible?

If no, why not?

If yes, do you have any recommendations on which dashboard software?

Might have more questions later on.

dashboard integrate prtg

Created on Sep 16, 2019 12:05:50 PM

2 Replies



Hi Michel,

Thank you for your message.

Within the following link you can find a few examples with the integrated dashboard engine:

Alternatively, PRTG is also able to provide data for example Grafana, please find more information here:

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Andreas Günther
Tech Support, Paessler AG


Created on Sep 17, 2019 10:24:22 AM by  Andreas Günther [Paessler Support]




Thank you for the information, i will look into it.

I have been aware of Grafana, I was hoping there would be other options, compare them and pick one. I will continue my research.

Thank you,


Created on Sep 17, 2019 12:12:06 PM

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