I want to monitor a server which has the data below to access it.
Can i use a 'Http data advanced' sensor or rest, and how do i setup that sensor.
The endpoint to be called is a GET with the url: https://test.test.nl/api/status?apiKey={apiKey}
The api key will be linked to a user with only permissions to access monitoring. The response will be a JSON array like:
[ { "playerId": "5ba4c379fd806fb029653ba2", "status": "UP", "details": "" }, { "playerId": "5bc84622f584a05053a928b0", "status": "UP", "details": "" }, { "playerId": "5bd6dd1827baca48474f1cc4", "status": "DOWN", "details": "Player 3 status not playing" }, { "playerId": "5c6ce2cf278668f445548f2d", "status": "DOWN", "details": "Player 4 has no campaigns published" }, { "playerId": "5c6cea3bf7a4f9341509bce7", "status": "DOWN", "details": "Player 5 last screenshot are long ago" }, { "playerId": "5c6e8a71961e25a43eb6e109", "status": "UP", "details": "" }, { "playerId": "5cb6df5743b5be4c1ba601b2", "status": "UP", "details": "" } ]
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