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FeedProblems with SNMP on Geist Watchdog 15



i want to monitor temperature with a Geist Watchdog 15.
I've set up SNMP on the device and looked at the OIDLIB of the device. When setting it up in PRTG the default sensor "SNMP up time" works fine.

But when i try to set up other "SNMP Custom" sensors, i am getting a #N SNMP_EXCEPTION_NOSUCHOBJECT222 response, even when i use the sysUpTime OID

I've tried SNMP tester tool and it gives the same responses:
asking for up time gives me:

----------------------- New Test -----------------------
Paessler SNMP Tester 5.2.3 Computername: BLGGL1178 Interface:
30-10-2019 10:13:50 (3 ms) : Device:
30-10-2019 10:13:50 (4 ms) : SNMP V2c
30-10-2019 10:13:50 (7 ms) : Uptime
30-10-2019 10:13:50 (21 ms) : SNMP Datatype: ASN_TIMETICKS
30-10-2019 10:13:50 (23 ms) : -------
30-10-2019 10:13:50 (26 ms) : DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = 6473445 ( 17 hours 58 minutes )
30-10-2019 10:13:50 (40 ms) : SNMP Datatype: SNMP_EXCEPTION_NOSUCHOBJECT
30-10-2019 10:13:50 (54 ms) : HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemUptime.0 = No such object (SNMP error # 222) ( 0 seconds )
30-10-2019 10:13:50 (57 ms) : Done

but asking it with the OID only gives:

----------------------- New Test -----------------------
Paessler SNMP Tester 5.2.3 Computername: BLGGL1178 Interface:
30-10-2019 10:14:34 (2 ms) : Device:
30-10-2019 10:14:34 (3 ms) : SNMP V2c
30-10-2019 10:14:34 (4 ms) : Custom OID
30-10-2019 10:14:34 (17 ms) : SNMP Datatype: SNMP_EXCEPTION_NOSUCHOBJECT
30-10-2019 10:14:34 (20 ms) : -------
30-10-2019 10:14:34 (26 ms) : Value: No such object (SNMP error # 222)
30-10-2019 10:14:34 (28 ms) : Done

Any ideas anyone?

geist snmp temperature

Created on Oct 30, 2019 9:16:14 AM

Last change on Oct 30, 2019 9:22:54 AM by  Sven Roggenhofer [Paessler Technical Support]

3 Replies

Accepted Answer



Hi Pruygie,

Thank you for the post!

Please note that if you use the SNMP Tester option "Custom OID" or the SNMP Custom Sensor, you need the OID + index number. For example, the system uptime has the OID "". However, the OID + index is "".
If you don't know which index is needed, simply use the "Walk" option of the SNMP Tester + the OID (

For more information, please take a look at his link

Created on Oct 30, 2019 10:02:31 AM by  Moritz Heller [Paessler Support]



Hi Moritz,

many kudos to you! I've added indox "0" and now its working like a always expected it would work.

thanks a lot!

Created on Oct 30, 2019 10:24:58 AM



Hi Pruygie,

Thank you for the feedback!

Created on Oct 30, 2019 11:44:34 AM by  Moritz Heller [Paessler Support]

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