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Hyper-V Replication Module



I'm attempting to create a sensor to report critical replication health of a VM from a probe device. I found another user who posted what seemed to be a fantastic solution, I'll include it below, however upon activating the sensor I get flagged by unexpected XML errors. I'm new to PRTG, so I'm doing my best to understand what's happening, but just don't get it. Any help would be appreciated.

# param([string]$Hypervserver)
$Hypervserver = "HyperVHost"
# $Session = New-PSSession -computername $Hypervserver 

$VMReplication = Get-VMReplication | select name,health,state

$ErrMessage = " "
$Errors = 0
$Warning = 0
$Critical = 0
foreach ($Name in $VMReplication) {
    if ($Name.Health -like "Normal" -and $Name.State -like "Replicating") {
    $state = 0
    elseif ($Name.Health -like "Warning") {
    $state = 1
    $Warning = $Warning + 1
    elseif ($Name.Health -like "Critical") {
    $state = 1
    $Critical = $Critical + 1

$VM = $Name.Name
$Health = $NAme.Health
$Status = $Name.State
$ErrMessage = $ErrMessage, $VM, " " , $Health , " ", $Status, "`t"
 $Errors = $Errors + 1

If ($Errors = 0 ){
Write-Host 0 , ":OK", "Replicating is working fine"
elseif ($Critical = 1) {
Write-Host 10 , ":", $ErrMessage 
elseif ($Warning = 1) {
Write-Host 5 , ":", $ErrMessage 
else {
Write-Host 2 , ":", $ErrMessage

#Added by mod
Remove-PSSession -ID $Session.ID
#Added by mod

Exit 0

custom-sensor hyper-v replication-health

Created on Nov 4, 2019 6:09:51 PM


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