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FeedMigrating SSH sensor to Python sensor.




Currently I have a number of SSH sensors which run a python script on the target host. For whatever reason there are a large number of paessh errors appearing as false positives so I want to move the execution of the sensor script from the target host to the PRTG server.

As the existing python script invoked by the SSH sensor works fine I would like to just run it on the PRTG server.

This would be no problem apart from the fact that the python script returns a string of the form required by the SSH sensor, namely returncode:value:message

If my understanding is correct, if I use the Python sensor then because it is classed as an 'Advanced' sensor then it cannot return the returncode:value:message format and I must use the (useless to me) Channel/Value where Value can only be either an integer or a float.

I guess I can rewrite the script in powershell and have it return returncode:value:message but I would rather not be forced to do that.

Please let me know if there is a way to have a python script run as if it were a EXE/BAT/CMD/VBS/PowerShell/SSH Sensor ... I can see no reason why this should not be allowed.


prtg python return ssh

Created on Dec 2, 2019 6:04:06 PM

1 Reply




You are correct, how is the python script outputting at present? Can you send me copy of the output of just the python?

Benjamin Day
Paessler Support

Created on Dec 2, 2019 6:30:41 PM by  Benjamin Day [Paessler Support] (1,441) 2 1

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