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FeedUpdating PRTG and Multiple remote Probes



I am looking to update a Core server and over 10 remote probes in prtg. The update will take me from to Does this update require a reboot? Will the remote probes automatically reboot? How do the remote probes get the update, and where do I see if they actually updated/current version of the probes?

core-server remote-probe update

Created on Dec 5, 2019 5:48:18 PM

1 Reply



Hi there,

Thank you very much for your question.

Whether or not an update it necessary or not is impossible to predict. If there are logged system files, a restart is most likely and also from my perspective I recommend a clean restart once an update of PRTG was been done.
Remote Probes will usually receive the update files directly from the Core Server and automatically update itself to the latest version. Further information on this process can be found here. It's quite visible if a Remote Probe requires an update or not. If the Remote Probe is not running the same version as the Core Server, the Probe will not successfully connect to it and state that a manual update is required. You will see this in the interface of PRTG. Also, for more information check the above linked article.


Created on Dec 9, 2019 5:11:26 AM by  Sebastian Kniege [Paessler Support]

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