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FeedTotal uptime report data is not fit for a month



I've just make a report via historical data. I choose start date 01/01/2020 00:00 to end date 01/02/2020 00:00, and it should be 31 days in january 2020. But in the report Uptime Stats says:

Up: 99.631 % [30d 21h 11m 43s] Down: 0.369 % [02h 44m 47s]

So total days would be: 30 days 23 hours 56 minutes 30 seconds

or missing 3 minutes 30 seconds

Please check via screenshoot: https://snipboard.io/DBiPYI.jpg

My question: 1. where the missing 3 minutes 30 seconds goes? (I'm aware with unknown data or grey data, is the missing data is unknown data. Because in other sensor, I found up to 3 days missing)? 2. If it is unknown data, is there any way to include this data as down data? Because my payment only base on up and down stats. the unknown data make it's difficult to explain about the missing time.

Looking forward for your explanation

report stats uptime

Created on Feb 3, 2020 4:15:53 AM

1 Reply



Hi there,

Thank you for your message.

You're right, this is the time period in which the sensor was not accessible, therefore it is shown as unknown/grey. The Unknown state cannot be disabled. It's an internal state, when sensors receive no answer at all (neither a successful result nor an error). Ideally, this sensor state should not appear.

It is not possible to mark this as Up or Down, I'm afraid.

Kind regards,
Andreas Günther
Tech Support, Paessler AG


Created on Feb 3, 2020 2:16:19 PM by  Andreas Günther [Paessler Support]

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