This article applies as of PRTG 22
Settings in the AWS account related to the AWS Cost sensor
Define the following settings in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) account before setting up the AWS Cost sensor.
Step 1: Enable the AWS Cost Explorer API
The sensor requires the AWS Cost Explorer to be enabled in the AWS account. For more information, see the AWS Cost Management User Guide.
Note: After sensor setup, the first data is available after 24 hours. Forecast data is available after a few days.
Step 2: Set permissions for the AWS API key
The AWS Cost sensor queries data from the AWS Cost Explorer API. Therefore, it needs sufficient permissions for the API key. For more information on how to set the required permissions, see How do I set permissions for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) API key to use certain sensors in PRTG?
Further information
- Amazon charges you for each AWS Cost Explorer API call that the sensor sends to the Amazon servers. For current pricing information, see Cloud Financial Management: Pricing, section AWS Cost Explorer API.
- For an explanation of blended, unblended, and amortized costs, see the AWS Billing User Guide.
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