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FeedHow to reverse conditions of alert on a sensor?



I would like to reverse the alert conditions on a sensor in our environment. Can that be done?

Here's the situation: I have a Meraki wireless access point plugged into a Cisco switch in our datacenter. It is to provide WiFi while techs do any necessary work at the datacenter. But, since the datacenter is multi-tennant, it is a security risk as well as being a "noisy" neighbor to leave that access point on all of the time. I'm monitoring the traffic on the port the AP is connected to on the switch, and PRTG will alert if the connection goes down. I want it to ignore the disconnected state, and only alert when the connection is up. (We have techs that forget to turn it off when they leave the datacenter.)

How can I do this in PRTG?

Thanks, Tom

alert-on-up-status reverse-alert-conditions traffic-monitor

Created on Feb 24, 2020 2:08:09 PM

3 Replies

Accepted Answer




Thank you for contacting us,

The notification settings by default are set in the Root device, and all the devices under the root will inherit these settings. You can specify different notification settings at a Probe, Group, Device and even sensor level by breaking the inheritance of these settings.

If you have the devices from each location separated on probes, or groups, access the group and go to the Notification Trigger tab. Configure it to trigger notifications to the Notification Template that you need. ( You can create a separate Notification Template per team) By default the template is set to notify the admin only. But you can create a template with different notification methods and contacts. The Notification Template can be configured with a schedule also, so that you only get notifications in a certain time. Or you can configure it at each specific sensor by going to the Notification Triggers tab at the sensor level. For more information follow this manual https://www.paessler.com/manuals/prtg/notifications

That said, you can go to the Notification Trigger settings on that device or sensor. And create a new state trigger, that is specified to notify when the device goes Up. And specify in the settings there, to use the State Trigger created above instead of inherit the trigger from the parent device.

Created on Feb 25, 2020 1:44:33 AM by  Jonathan Mena [Paessler Technical Support]



Since the sensor I was using is an SNMP Traffic Sensor, I also had to go into the settings of the sensor and change the Connection Handling Status from "Show Alarm for all disconnected states" to "Ignore disconnected states". Without doing so, the sensor remained "down" or red, regardless of changing the notification trigger.

Thanks again, Tom

Created on Feb 26, 2020 12:58:15 PM



Tom, thank you for that information, I'm glad it works.

Created on Feb 26, 2020 3:59:05 PM by  Jonathan Mena [Paessler Technical Support]

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