I'm newby here and sorry for maybe simple questions. I would like to add to PRTG new sensor which should show me usage of Oracle ASM. In oracle sqlplus I use this query:
select as gn, round((sum(d.total_mb)-sum(d.free_mb))/sum(d.total_mb)*100,2) as used from v$asm_disk d, v$asm_diskgroup g where d.group_number=g.group_number(+) and d.header_status = 'MEMBER' group by;
The query returns name of disk group and usage, for example: GN USED DATA 50 DATAALFA 75
Number of returned rows can be differenet.
I suppose that I should you Oracle SQL v2 Sensors. How to configure such sensor in PRTG which will show me the name of disk group and usage?
Best Regards, Daniel
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