For a project concerning the monitoring of 10 temperature sensors, I would like to use a map which would show the individual values of each sensor but also the limit warning values for them.
I found different map objects which can fit to the need, with gauges, values and warning messages but no one showing the values of limitmaxwarning and limitminwarning of the sensors.
As this map is dedicated to operators the access to that values on a touch panel would be complicated as a simple look on them would be efficient.
I know the use of the api/getobjectproperty.htm?id=objectid&subtype=channel&subid=channelid&name=limitminwarning.
It is possible maybe to use the api in a personal HTML element. But how to get the value without the version tag?
In my case getting the 20 limit values would lead to 20 api requests.
Is there not a more simple solution like a map object with the warning limits.
This could be interesting for other IOT projects.
Thanks for help.
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