Hello, I have PowerShell script which runs in the PowerShell CLI but getting the following error from prtg "Your request has timed out. Depending on the sensor type you use, the reason might be that the sensor could not connect to the target host or that a PowerShell command takes too long to execute. For more information, see https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/71899 or https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/37633. (code: PE018)"
this is the code of the script:
echo 0 | openssl s_client -host google.com -port 443 -prexit -showcerts > AllCertificates 2>$null [string[]]$arrayFromFile = Get-Content -Path .\AllCertificates $x=1 $i=0 $count=0 $minDays=10000 while($x) { if ($arrayFromFile[$i] -eq "Server certificate") {break} if ($arrayFromFile[$i] -eq '-----Begin Certificate-----') { while ($arrayFromFile[$i] -ne '-----End Certificate-----') { Write $arrayFromFile[$i] >> .\sslToCheck.crt $i=$i+1 } Write $arrayFromFile[$i] >> .\sslToCheck.crt $i=$i+1 $file = Get-Content .\sslToCheck.crt #Regex pattern to compare two strings $pattern = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----(.*?)-----END CERTIFICATE-----" #Perform the opperation $result = [regex]::Match($file,$pattern).Groups[1].Value #Redirect each certificate to ssl.crt file Add-Content .\ssl.crt "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" Add-Content .\ssl.crt "$result" Add-Content .\ssl.crt "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" #Get-Content .\ssl.crt #Return the validation date openssl x509 -noout -issuer -dates -subject -in ssl.crt > .\Outcome #Put the value into variable - VALIDATION TIME $TimeAfter = Get-Content .\Outcome | Select -Index 2 $NotValidAfter=$TimeAfter.Replace("notAfter=","") #Get the name of the Certificate $text = openssl x509 -noout -issuer -dates -subject -in ssl.crt $separator = "CN =" $parts = $text.split($separator) $sslName = $parts[-1] # return the part after the separator #Parse the Date $WordIndex = 1 $month = ($NotValidAfter -split "\s+",($wordIndex +1 ))[($wordIndex-1)] $WordIndex = 2 $dateNum = ($NotValidAfter -split "\s+",($wordIndex +1 ))[($wordIndex-1)] $WordIndex = 4 $tmpyear = ($NotValidAfter -split "\s+",($wordIndex +1 ))[($wordIndex-1)] $tmpyear -as [int] > $null $year = $tmpyear%100 $DateParse1 = "$dateNum-$month-$year" $DateParse2 = [datetime]::parseexact($DateParse1, 'dd-MMM-yy', $null) $certExpiresIn = ($DateParse2 - $(get-date)).Days #The OutPut for each certificate #Write-Host Cert for SSL $sslName expires in $certExpiresIn days on $DateParse2 Clear-Content .\sslToCheck.crt Clear-Content .\ssl.crt if ($minDays -gt $certExpiresIn) { $minDays=$certExpiresIn $sslNameToReturn=$sslName } } else { $i=$i+1 } } Write-Host $minDays,":OK" Exit 0
The script returns the following output in the CLI:
237 :OK
but in the PRTG its showing different errors. this is not the issue of the ExecutionPolicy, we set it to Unrestricted at the level of local machine.
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