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FeedPause Devices (in error state) from Desktop application



I wonder, why it is not possible to pause a device from the Desktop application, but instead only via the web interface under certain circumstances:

It only occurs when

The Sensor (Ping), that causes the device dependency to pause is in error state and thus the remaining sensors of the device are paused as well.

Now I want this device to pause (not acknowledge - because it will be offline for quite some time and can be reactivated manually)

Here are the steps I tried: If I pause the Ping sensor, the remaining sensors resume and fall into error state, so I would have to pause every single sensor (not very handy)

So instead I just would like to pause the device. While in the Web interface this is possible, the Desktop application only shows me a button to resume the device.

I figure, this is a bug, which results in the fact, that the Ping sensor kind of pauses the referenced dependency used by the remaining sensors. If the Ping sensor gets up again, The resume button changes into a pause button.

Could you please fix that. I really like the Desktop application and it's my daily work tool. Only occasionly I use the web interface for administrative purposes (would be nice to include those in the application as well by the way). But having to switch to web interface everytime i pause a device which is in error state, is really a pain.

Thanks in advance

bug bugfix desktop-application improvement-request prtg-desktop

Created on Aug 7, 2020 9:02:34 AM

1 Reply



Hi there,

I could recreate the issue and I will create a ticket for our developer so they solve this missing feature.

Thank you for the assistance.

Created on Aug 7, 2020 10:27:07 AM by  Moritz Heller [Paessler Support]

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