User Story
I use the HTTPPush-Sensors to post results and data from scripts to a prtg probe. Currently I have to add a sensor manually to receive data. I have found no way to automate that or find out, what a client uses which token.
Details of User Story
I have two use cases to have a more dynamic creation of sensors based on HTTPPush-Requests 1. PowerShel Scripts on Servers who do local checks (some kind of agent) and post the results to prtg. they are dynamic and generate a url like "https://prtg:5051/secret-computername-scriptname=content=....". It would be great to generate a ticket in PRTG for a "pending sensor", if this token is not already defined. It could be similar to the process to appove a new probe.
2. i use some IoT Devices (ESP8266 etc) and they generate a random key during the first start and store them in their flash. All messages are sent to PRTG using http://prtg:5050/uniquekey?content=... These devices do not have a gui display or anything else. So i use wireshark to capture these and collect the keys.
3. I found no logging somewhere about access to these service handler in the "Logs" directory of the probe. PRTG is logging a lot of stuff (webserver, sensors, core, probe). Logging requet to 5050/5051 or other probeports offering a HTT/REST-API is necessary to detect errors and abuse.
Acceptance criteria
- First step: Please add a logging of requests on the probe. I could use that to parse the logs and tell me about request with a "Matching sensor :0" results and solve that on the server and not check the clients
- future step: Add a ticket or approval process to create a HTTPushSensor from a request t a undefined token.