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FeedNetwork Drive Access Problem through Python Custom Sensor



I am trying to develop a custom sensor using the advanced python script sensor. The script should list the folders and files of a subdirectory located at a network shared windows folder. The folder is mapped as a network drive in the prtg server.

The script works correctly when executed from a cmd window on the prtg server but when executed from the sensor it can not find/access the network shared folder.

I have tried using the mapped drive and also unc paths but with no luck.

I have configured the sensor to run on the local probe using the Administrator Windows user (the same that the cmd uses).

bellow you can find the base script I am using:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import sys
import os
from prtg.sensor.result import CustomSensorResult
from prtg.sensor.units import ValueUnit

if __name__ == "__main__":
        # data = json.loads(sys.argv[1])

        path_temp = "\\\\HOST\\folder\\path"
        #path_temp = "Z:\\folder\\path" 
        #print(path_temp+" "+str(os.path.exists(path_temp))+" "+os.getlogin())
        csr = CustomSensorResult(text=path_temp+" "+str(os.path.exists(path_temp))+" "+os.getlogin())


    except Exception as e:
        csr = CustomSensorResult(text="Python Script execution error")
        csr.error = "Python Script execution error: %s" % str(e)

Result from cmd:

{"prtg": {"text": "Z:\\workswift True Administrator", "result": [{"Channel": "Percentage", "Value": 87, "Unit": "Percent", "SpeedSize": "One", "VolumeSize": "One", "SpeedTime": "Second", "Mode": "Absolute", "LimitMaxError": "90", "LimitMode": 1, "LimitMinError": "10", "LimitErrorMsg": "Percentage too high"}, {"Channel": "Response Time", "Value": 4711, "Unit": "TimeResponse", "SpeedSize": "One", "VolumeSize": "One", "SpeedTime": "Second", "Mode": "Absolute"}]}}

Result from PRTG Sersor

{"prtg": {"text": "Z:\\workswift False Administrator", "result": [{"Channel": "Percentage", "Value": 87, "Unit": "Percent", "SpeedSize": "One", "VolumeSize": "One", "SpeedTime": "Second", "Mode": "Absolute", "LimitMaxError": "90", "LimitMode": 1, "LimitMinError": "10", "LimitErrorMsg": "Percentage too high"}, {"Channel": "Response Time", "Value": 4711, "Unit": "TimeResponse", "SpeedSize": "One", "VolumeSize": "One", "SpeedTime": "Second", "Mode": "Absolute"}]}}

the difference is that when run from prtg the os.path.exists(path_temp) resolves to False but not true.

PRTG VERSION: latest Python Version: PRTGs Installation: Windows Server 2016

Thank you in advance

file-monitoring files network-mapped-drives network-shared-folder python python-script-advanced-sensor

Created on Dec 4, 2020 2:03:50 PM

Last change on Dec 7, 2020 5:08:44 AM by  Sven Roggenhofer [Paessler Technical Support]

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



I think the main issue is that no credentials are passed; Have you found this already?

Created on Dec 7, 2020 9:21:01 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

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