I attempted to copy the zoom template for similar products that use the same status page API, which half works.
This is my code, file name mitel.status.template:
{ "prtg": { "description" : { "device": "status.mitel.io", "query": "/api/v2/components.json", "comment": "Documentation is at https://status.mitel.io/api/v2" }, "result": [ { "Value":{ "["+ #1 +"]" + " Status": $.components..({ @.name : lookup(@.status, "operational") }).*}, "ValueLookup": "mitel.status" } ] } }
This does label the channels, however it does not get the channel value. Instead it just returns "0 (configured lookup mitel.status is empty or not available)". I assumed this would work exactly the same as the Zoom template, but it looks like there might be some additional coding within PRTG that allows Zoom to work?
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