I have mad a custom lookup table with BitField based on an unsigned integer read with the modbus sensor. Most of it work, or in fact, nearly everything works as planned and expected. But the visual indication, the toggles, are showing a wierd result.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ValueLookup id="prtg.tv2b.generator.RunningMode" desiredValue="8" undefinedState="Warning"> <Lookups> <BitField state="Error" value="1">Block Mode</BitField> <BitField state="Error" value="2">Manual Mode</BitField> <BitField state="Warning" value="4">Semi Automatic Mode</BitField> <BitField state="Ok" value="8">Auto Mode</BitField> <BitField state="Warning" value="16">Test</BitField> </Lookups> </ValueLookup>
Then I get a result where the 4th bit is high, the lookup returns Auto Mode and the sensor is green. When when I get a result where the 3th bit i high, the lookup returns Semi Automatic mode and the sensor i yellow. But the channel is opposite. The channel have 5 toggles, where the 2 first is red, the 3th is yellow, the 4th is green and the 5th yellow. Just as expected. But when receiveing 4th bit high, "AUTO MODE" it is the 5th toggle, that is yellow, that is highlighted. When receiving 3th bit hig "Semi automatic", it is the 4th toggle, the green one, that is highlighted.
Are there any way of controlling this? is it a bug in the graphical representation? am I misunderstanding something? Please advice :-)
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