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FeedCreate a Threshold on the Number of Connected ports in the Devices



Dear Support Team
How can I set a threshold to notify me when the number of connected ports on the one or a group of devices exceeds a certain value?
In other words, first, when i add a switch or router, i expect that PRTG tell me how many ports it has and how many of them are connected or not-connected. (Although the problem is that i can see these information just when i want to add a snmp traffic sensor. In addition, there is not any information about ports number in System Information tab)
Is there any way that i can specify some devices and PRTG totalizes all of their ports (connected and not-connected) and notify me when number of connected ports exceeds from for example 80% of the total ports? Thanks a lot

connected device not-connected notification ports snmp-traffic-sensor system-information threshold totalize

Created on Feb 27, 2021 10:51:18 AM

1 Reply



Hello Hossein,

Thank you for your KB-request.

Kindly note that there isn't any default option or a built-in sensor in PRTG that can check a number of currently active ports.

Depending on the type/vendor of your switch, there might be an SNMP OID that can be used to retrieve a number of ports in the active state. If so, you can use that OID within an SNMP Custom Sensor.

If there is no such OID for your switch, it should be possible to create a script to scrape the status from the command that displays ports and their status, e.g. "show ip int brief" for Cisco devices. However, please note that our support does not offer such script customizations. So you might want to create a script on your own and then to use it within a Script Sensor.

Best regards

Created on Mar 3, 2021 12:00:07 PM by  Isidora Jeremic [Paessler Support]

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