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Feed2FA on self hosted PRTG




Could you please inform about ETA of 2 factor authentication for self hosted PRTG services? As PRTG doesn't really have a good protection on its own (e.g. brute force) it's very important to be able, to use additional form on authentication, thus 2FA. I've seen somewhere that it's planned or at least was planned for the first quarter on 2021. Main reason for our company why we'd need 2FA is because we offer our clients an opportunitie to connect to PRTG and watch their devices, but as PRTG login page is quite vulnerable and data we process inside PRTG ect. is considered a secret, we need to be as safe as possible, and without 2FA it's quite an headache to build some workarounds, like setting it on inside IP's, then allow connections only through VPN ect. and in addition our field technicians rely on the data in PRTG while doing some maintenance works, and VPN workarounds and such, are not reliable and fast.

2fa authentication login prtg

Created on Mar 22, 2021 1:21:16 PM

2 Replies



Hi Reinispro,

Thanks for reaching out to us! We understand your wish for the 2FA and as you already saw on our roadmap, it's work in progress.

I'm afraid that there is no ETA available yet, we'll announce the release of the 2FA in our release notes once it gets available.

We'd also be happy if you could forward your feedback with wishes via this form, so that we can consider what is requested the most. Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Felix Saure, Tech Support Team

Created on Mar 23, 2021 8:57:10 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



Hello, Thanks for the information! Will be looking forward to see 2FA in the roadmap :)

Created on Mar 23, 2021 8:59:42 AM

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