I was wondering if there is a way in ITOps Board to build a search to look at a field and evaluate greater than, less than, etc. For example, I have a bunch of sensors of type wmibandwithsensor. The "LastValue" field is expressed in kbit/s so it will contain values like 43 kbit/s or 1,000, kbit/s. I can search for EXACT VALUES by doing something like:
source.prtg.Tags:"wmibandwidthsensor" AND source.prtg.LastValue:23
This will return all of the wmibandwidthsensor tagged sensors and anything with the EXACT VALUE of 23 kbit/s. What I would LIKE to do is build a search that will return all sensors with a value greater than something. For example:
source.prtg.Tags:"wmibandwidthsensor" AND source.prtg.LastValue:>1000
This search's intent is to find all of the wmibandwidthsensor tagged sensors with a last value greater than 1000 kbit/s. This exact search does not work as I believe it interprets it as text and not an evaluation of a number. Any help would be appreciated
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