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FeedError (Bad Request) while selecting certain map objects




as soon as the preview of certain map object in the map editor is loaded the editor crashes.

This is the error message:

Fehler (Bad Request) Das ausgewählte Objekt kann hier nicht verwendet werden. Fehlerdetails Version: Server: server-prtg URL: /controls/mapobjectpreview.htm?id=32076&count=5&dependency_=0&width=200&height=200&selected=&mapelements=%2C*graph+without+text+0.htm*&maptitles=%2C*+Live-Graph+(nur+Sensoren%2C+keine+Beschriftung)*&_=1619607005187 Time: 13:16:42

it says:

Error (Bad Request) The selected object cannot be used here. Error details ...

in this case the map object is the "Live graph(sensor only, no labelling)" but the Problem does also occur with other objects like the "Primary top list of a sensor“.

bad-request error graphs map map-objects prtg

Created on Apr 28, 2021 11:32:03 AM

Last change on Apr 28, 2021 7:09:03 PM by  Felix Wiesneth [Paessler Support]

5 Replies

Accepted Answer




Thank you for your message.

There is a bug regarding the map designer in version 21.2.67, on which our development team is currently working on. A fix will be provided in the next release of PRTG.

In the meantime, our release manager provided a workaround in our release notes that I invite you to have a look at: https://www.paessler.com/prtg/history/stable

If you have questions, let us know.


Created on Apr 29, 2021 9:25:45 AM by  Florian Lesage [Paessler Support]



Hello, I got the same error but can't edit the map anymore. Is there a way to get rid of the error and not just by removing the map? Thx Philip

Created on May 18, 2021 11:03:30 AM



Hello Philip,

Thank you for your message.

A fix has been integrated in the latest version of PRTG released Wednesday, 26th of May. You can see the release notes for this version here

Please, make sure to stop both PRTG services in PRTG Administration Tool > Service Start / Stop before installing the update.

If you have questions, let us know.


Created on May 18, 2021 11:12:00 AM by  Florian Lesage [Paessler Support]

Last change on May 31, 2021 4:59:43 PM by  Jonathan Mena [Paessler Technical Support]



I know this is an old thread, But I have this issue with the latest version. I added somethin to the map and now it gets a bad request error. I cannot open the map or the designer to remove it. I dont want to rebuild the entire map, as it is very large

Created on Feb 13, 2023 8:31:27 PM



Hi Phillip, unfortunatelly i dont remember if i had the problem to the extend you describe and i have no clue how i fixed it if it even was as bad as in your situation. Depending on your PRTG-Version is would suggest you try to update your PRTG or just restore a backup from a few days ago when everything was fine.

Just in case you or someone else might need this, here is the workaround Florian Lesage talked about:
"In the current PRTG version 21.2.67, object types in the Properties section of the Map Designer that are by design incompatible to the selected object in the Device Tree section return an error dialog window when loading the object preview. The message is Error (Bad Request). Sorry, the selected object cannot be used here. PRTG redirects you to the welcome page when you confirm the dialog window.

This happens, for example, when you select nothing, root, or a probe, group, or device in the device tree and hover your mouse over a live graph or gauge object in the properties section. Note that existing maps that already include an element that is empty due to incompatible object type will show the same error message and will not load.

Workaround: To add a live graph or gauge for a sensor, ensure you have selected the sensor in the device tree section (click the sensor in the device tree section to select it) before you choose an object in the properties section. If you have selected any other object in the device tree section than a sensor, avoid hovering incompatible object types like live graphs or gauges in the properties section.

Status: Resolved with PRTG version"

Created on Feb 14, 2023 7:03:08 AM

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